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How To Protect Your Home While On Vacation

home-securityMost people realize that any number of events can happen inside a house whether the occupants are at home or away. Fires, floods, storms and burglaries are just some of the unwanted events that can be stopped if a person is in the home. The challenge to stop these events when everyone is away from the house is possible with some careful planning and changes of habit. A vacationing homeowner can rest assured that the property will be in great condition upon his return by following these tips.

Burglary Prevention

Every year, burglars enter millions of residential properties while the owner is gone on vacation. Preventing the potential home invasion starts long before the days leading up to departure. Thieves find information from the most obscure places, which presents challenges to everyone. Follow these tips to reduce the risk of unauthorized entry.

  • Create an appearance – Neighbors notice when the activity level at a house changes dramatically. The problem arises when a would-be thief also notices. Certain actions should be taken to reduce the dramatic reduction in activity.
  •  Automate lighting – Timers in common areas should be used at all times. Consistent patterns can be created while the family is at home.
  •  Motion-sensing lights – On the exterior of the home, well-placed lighting will illuminate walls and eliminate shadows whenever the sensor’s perimeter is violated.
  • Adjust shades and blinds – Closing all of the blinds will prevent views into the home from the ground-level windows. While the family is at home, the shades will be in certain positions. An immediate change in appearance could indicate that the house is unoccupied.
  •  Stop phone ringers – A potential burglar can stand outside the home, call the phone number found through an online search and hear the ringing phone that is not answered.
  • Set radio with timer – Creating a comparable noise level during certain daylight and evening hours is helpful to the perception that the house is occupied. The radio should not be set on the kitchen counter in full view.
  • Stop mail and newspapers – Trusted neighbors can be asked to pick up the mail and newspapers. Another option is to suspend delivery services.
  • Have lawn mowed – Extended vacations require lawn maintenance if the normal pattern is a beautifully maintained landscape.
  • Set thermostat – A house with an air conditioner that never runs in hot weather is obviously unoccupied.
  • Ask a neighbor to park in the driveway – Leaving a parked car in the driveway throughout the entire vacation will indicate an unoccupied house. A neighbor can be asked to park in the driveway once in a while to create activity.
  •  Secure the Premises – Too many people ignore the importance of maintaining proper security of the house and the premises at all times. Drastic measures prior to a vacation should not be necessary if these measures are always in place.
  •  Lock doors and windows – A recent report stated that 28 percent of all residential burglaries without the perpetrator having to use force to gain entry. The habit of locking the doors and windows should be developed even when the family is at home.
  • Move valuables from sight – Ground-level windows allow anyone to peer into the interior. Valuable art, electronics and collectibles should be displayed in areas of the home that are not visible from first-floor windows.
  • Disconnect garage door opener – An extended absence should be accompanied by unplugging the automatic garage door opener. The code on the door mechanism can be deciphered with ease. Releasing the chain only enables the door to be lifted from the outside.
  • Groom shrubs and trees – Trimmed vegetation removes hiding places for anyone wishing to get close to a first-floor window. A combination of light and small shadows allows neighbors to see a potential intruder.
  • Secure sliding glass door – A rod should be placed in the track of the sliding glass door. Another reliable method is to install a bolt through the door frame. Pull the curtains over a ground-level sliding glass door to reduce the view into the interior.
  • Install security system – Houses without a security system are three times more likely to be burglarized than those with an activated security system.
  • Prevent mishaps – Modern conveniences present some dangers in the modern home. Malfunctions that occur when the house occupants are away can cause extensive damage to the interior. Repairs are expensive and inconvenient. Prized possessions can be damaged or ruined if malfunctions occur while the home is empty. Take preventative measures to mitigate the risk of loss.
  •  Unplug extras – Overheated appliances can cause fire. The final walk through before leaving must include the verification that the oven, iron and other appliances are off or unplugged.
  • Control water – Ruptured washer hoses can occur at any time. Water faucets should be turned off prior to departure. Some homeowners turn off the main water source to prevent water damage.
  • Set thermostat – Frozen pipes cause extensive damage during cold months if the furnace does not run enough to maintain a warm interior temperature.
  • Have a neighbor visit – Reliable neighbors are a blessing when the family is away from home. A daily visit from the neighbor is helpful for those who want to know that the interior is secured.
  • Be secretive – Casual conversations at work or in a public place can provide information to a potential burglar. Posts on Facebook and email notes travel further than the owner intended. Few people should be aware of the vacation prior to departure. Discussions out on the patio at home can be overheard without the homeowner’s knowledge.

While Away from Home

Technology provides many ways to monitor the house while the family is away. Advanced security systems allow the homeowner to see the premises with a smartphone. Monitoring services are helpful for ensuring that water, fire and physical breaches never occur. Sufficient security systems are essential for preventing problems at home while the family is on vacation. Investing a few hundred dollars now could save thousands of dollars in the future.

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