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Four Ways to Keep Your Wi-Fi Connection Safe from Cyber Thieves

home-secuirty-wirelessWi-Fi networks are becoming a standard of home Internet service. Some ADT Miami contractors even use Wi-Fi for security cameras and other devices. But criminals are modernizing as well and learning how to crack into these networks to steal personal information. They usually do this for the purpose of stealing your identity, which can cost you a fortune in fraudulent purchases. Make sure that no hackers can get into your Wi-Fi by following these tips.

Change the Default Username and Password

Wireless routers usually come with a preset username and password. Hackers can easily find lists of these defaults online, so change them as soon as possible to make it harder for them. Follow all of the usual rules for creating effective passwords: don’t make it something obvious like “password”, use a blend of uppercase and lowercase letters, and throw in a few numbers and special characters.

Use Encryption

Encryption is yet another way in which the default settings of the router leave you vulnerable to hackers. Using strong encryption is like having good locks on your doors – you simply aren’t safe without it! Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) was once the industry standard, but hackers have learned how to break into it with relative ease, so it is no longer considered adequate. Wireless Protected Access (WPA) and Wireless Protected Access 2 (WPA2) are much more secure since the encryption key changes regularly. Be sure to enable WPA or WPA2 on both your router and your computer.

Turn Off Remote Login and Administration Capabilities

Most people have no need to change their router settings remotely. In most cases, this capability only serves as an entry point for brute force attacks by hackers or computer viruses. It should be turned off unless there is a specific reason that you need to change your settings from outside of your home. If that is the case, only turn it on for that occasion, and disable it again as soon as you can. Turning off the remote administration feature will do even more to prevent hackers from forcing their way in.

Get the Latest Equipment

It doesn’t take hackers very long to find security loopholes in certain routers. In addition, you should always use the best and latest security protocol when it becomes available. Older routers may not support these newer protocols. Upgrading to a more modern router every few years will ensure that you have the best protection possible.

Every prudent homeowner protects their home by hiring a Miami ADT home security firm to install an alarm system, and they should take the same precautions for their Wi-Fi. In an increasingly digital world, a hacker breaking into your Wi-Fi network is just as financially detrimental as a thief walking off with your possessions. Take these steps if you want to make your Wi-Fi network unassailable to hackers.

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