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5 Ways to Secure Your Home for the New Year

Secure Your Home

Secure Your Home

Securing your home for the new year is something you may not think about too often. change is good sometimes, and this change should include your security system features and equipment. These 7 ways will help you secure your home for the new year.

1. Keep Your Windows Locked

When you leave your home, make sure your windows are locked. Too often, people leave their windows open because they are on the second floor or higher, and think no one will bother to try to open the windows. Wrong! Some burglars go above and beyond if your home looks like an easy target.

2. Don’t Second Guess Yourself or Others

If your conscience is telling you to consider adding extra features to your current security system, listen. It’s always better to be safe than left with nothing. Surprisingly, disarming some security systems are not as hard as others because some systems lack updated technology. Someone probably will not be sitting outside your home in a van hacking your computer and security systems, but there are thieves who look for things in uncommon places, including keys under the doormat or light fixture and keep track of when you leave and return to your home. Remember that if something crosses your mind, there’s a good chance it has crossed someone else’s mind. You need a security system that can protect you and your family.

3. Make Your Doors More Secure

If you still have the same door since you moved into your home, its time to replace the doors with more sturdy material, structure or upgrade the doors. Making your doors more secure will not hurt anyone, but it will make it difficult to kick it down or damage it. Sturdy materials for your door include solid wood or metal. Add deadbolts of at least one-inch to your door. This advice is food for all the doors of your home.

4. Set Different Lighting Patterns

If someone wants to break into your home, one thing they may do is watch the time you leave, and the time you return. Setting different lighting patterns is one way you can confuse burglars. Set timers for four or more lamps or lighting fixtures in your home, in different rooms. By doing this, burglars cannot tell when someone is home and when your home is empty. Most burglars will not risk entering your home if they think someone is there. Lighting patterns include the lighting on the outside of your home. Put lighting around the doors of your home and light pathways.

5. Embrace Technology Advances

New technology can be scary, but it can add a layer of protection to your home. Wireless home security systems are easy to install, features 24/7 alarm monitoring, and many more features. There are security systems that allow you to watch your home through a live video stream on your smartphone. New technology can be a good thing for you and your home during the new year.

At Home Security Concepts, we are dedicated to keeping you and your family safe, and your home or business protected. You can never be too sure about your safety or what other people are thinking or capable of doing. We take the guesswork out of security system installation. Contact us today for more details about ways to secure your home, loved ones, and business.


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